Browse upcoming events, find regular meetups, and discover local traditions. Our community calendar keeps you in the loop about everything from farmers markets to festival days. Plus, we make it extra easy for newcomers to meet their neighbors and find their place here.
Join us each month at your local library for dinner and friendly conversation. Meet other newcomers, ask questions, and learn about your new community. We host these FREE gatherings in Hibbing, Virginia, and Hoyt Lakes.
New Iron Range Gatherings
New Iron Range Gatherings
New Iron Range Gatherings
Start with our New Iron Ranger Gatherings! These monthly meetups at local libraries are designed just for newcomers. You’ll meet other new residents, enjoy dinner, and learn about the community. Plus, our friendly hosts can connect you with local groups that match your interests.
While many events are drop-in friendly, some activities have limited space. Each event listing will clearly show if registration is needed and how to sign up. For New Iron Ranger Gatherings, we appreciate a quick RSVP so we can plan for dinner.
Most of our community events are family-friendly, and event listings always indicate if they’re good for kids. New Iron Ranger Gatherings welcome the whole family – we’d love to help your children connect with others their age in the community.
Community events, business opportunities, local stories, trail updates– keep your finger on the pulse of the Range. Sign up for our newsletter for regular updates and event invitations.
What's Happening on the Mesabi Iron Range? Sign up and get connected to the people, resources, and events that make living on the Mesabi Iron Range magic.