We are so glad you joined us!
We want you to stay!

New Resident Resources

If you are new to the Range, welcome! Like any rural place, we have our own distinct culture, climate and practices. We want to help you navigate this new culture and find your permanent home here.


With a large ethnic heritage of stoic Finnish Americans and Slavs, some Iron Rangers are more reserved upon first meeting–but that doesn’t mean folks are not glad you are here! As you make your home on the Iron Range, you will find a combination of both outwardly friendly and those who take a little longer to get to know.

One easy way to get connected is to join us at our New Iron Ranger Gatherings!  These are FREE, chill meet-ups held across our region. Our goal is to create a place for new folks to connect into community and get warm introductions or referrals based on their area of interest. Check out our page to learn where we are next.

Another great way is to volunteer. You will meet many great folks this way. And if you are like me–it is easier to chat while DOING something. Check out the United Way’s Volunteer Hub.

United Way of Northeastern MN logo


We love talking about weather, and this is because our life depends on it. Living rural, we are connected to our natural places–and the temperature and precipitation inform how we go about daily life.

Thinking seasonally, summer is our easiest season, both for living and socializing. There is no snow to remove, extra clothing to layer, or tires to change (yes–many of us change the tires on our cars to snow tires for the snowy months). It is a time when neighbors make small talk as they are out working in their yards.

Winter offers a wonderful respite from bugs, magical moonlit skiing and snowmobiling. And cold winter air is truly cleansing. It is a time for “hygge,” the “quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being” achieved through informal time together with friends.

And let’s not forget sauna (“Sow-na”)! With a substantial population with Finnish ethnic heritage, we LOVE sauna ALL YEAR LONG.


We recognize that when folks move to a new town, they need an ear, a helping hand. That’s what Hello Range! is here to provide. We welcome your questions via email. And we are holding New Iron Ranger Gatherings in our range communities!

Let us help you make the Range your home.

Hello Range!





  • Essentia Health Jobs
  • Iron Range Tourism Bureau
  • City of Hibbing
  • East Range Joint Powers Board
  • Department of Iron Range Resources & Rehabilitation
  • L&M Radiator
  • City of Chisholm
  • City of Virginia
  • Fairview
  • NewRange Copper Nickel
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