Kids at Hibbing Public Library Story Time

Library Magic

When I moved back to the Iron Range, I was a new mom. Having lived in St. Paul, I was accustomed to having a children’s museum, indoor parks, and the zoo. Suddenly I was back in a small town–and I was in a new role. Where would I find my “people?” Enter the Public Library and story-time.

Sitting amongst the crew of story-time parents and children, we had two “for sures” in common–we had little ones, and we needed connection. The weekly story time program offered a structured hour of singing, routine, reading and crafts. Over the craft table we would chat. Where else have you found to bring the littles? What is kid friendly in the area? Folks would share there secrets (“I bring my kids to the Irongate Mall and we run around!”)

The conversation evolved until a group of us realized we needed an indoor play park– a place to gather and let our little ones run off energy, and adults could visit. The process took awhile; finding a location that would host our project was challenging. But the librarian at the time advocated for us. She saw the value of this gathering place, and she was willing to let us build in the library. We fund-raised and the community supported us! An indoor park was born.

Our Iron Range libraries continually provide a no-fee, safe, welcoming place for residents. As part of the Arrowhead Library System, the libraries have access to incredible resources. Through crafts, book clubs, story time, games, free movie events, genealogy classes, holiday events and more, our library folks are integral to our communities.

Transitioning into new communities (or reengaging with the ones in which we live), the library is a warm place to get oriented and connected. Check out your local library to learn what is happening in your community (or the one next door)!

Free local library events! 

  • Essentia Health Jobs
  • Iron Range Tourism Bureau
  • City of Hibbing
  • East Range Joint Powers Board
  • Department of Iron Range Resources & Rehabilitation
  • L&M Radiator
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