Blog Archives

Spring’s New Iron Ranger Library-Gatherings Come to a Close

Tomorrow we host the last of our Spring Library “New Iron Ranger Gatherings.” Over the last three months, Hello, Range! has been hosting monthly meet-ups at the Hibbing, Virginia and Hoyt Lakes Public Libraries. These gatherings were created to provide a friendly, easy-access place for new folks in the region to connect into community, because […]

Culture Shock “Therapy” at New Resident Gatherings

Starting in April, Hello, Range! will be hosting “New Iron Ranger Gatherings.” Held at the Hibbing, Virginia and Hoyt Lakes Public Libraries, the monthly meet-ups will feature a light dinner, conversation topic and hands-on activity. The purpose: to create a place for new residents to meet others, connect, and learn about their community and this […]

Honoring Dr. MLK

Today, on the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Junior, I attended a walk and rally in honor of Dr. King’s work. Organized by Minnesota North College-Mesabi Equity and Inclusion committee, folks from across the Iron Range braved the -35 degree wind chill to participate. In addition to a commemorative mile walk on the Iron […]

Live from the Iron Range

This winter while creating a reel for Hello, Range!, I bumped into a song by violist Lindsey Stirling. Rated the “highest-ranked female” on Forbes 2015 YouTube Artist List, Stirling played in Hibbing in the mid-2000s during her rise to fame. Her live performance stuck with me. Stirling is classically trained, but she plays violin like […]

Living the (Inspirational) Meme

The view from my window this morning was crystalline, frosty and sparkling. Each tree branch is covered in frost, creating a magical, fairy-like appearance–a beautiful sight. As I sat down with my coffee to peruse my social, I bumped into the inspirational meme featured in the first-half of the image in this post. What struck […]

Library Magic

When I moved back to the Iron Range, I was a new mom. Having lived in St. Paul, I was accustomed to having a children’s museum, indoor parks, and the zoo. Suddenly I was back in a small town–and I was in a new role. Where would I find my “people?” Enter the Public Library and […]

“Caring about neighbors:” a morning of inspiration

This morning on Facebook I read this post: “22 years spent in a community that helped a single mom raise her 3 kids. Thank you Hibbing for helping shape my kids into the incredible humans they have turned out to be. Here’s to new beginnings….” The writer posted a picture of their sold Hibbing house, […]

The Power of the Dinner Invite

Thanksgiving week is upon us! With gloriously warm temperatures, it does not seem the holiday is this Thursday. But here it is, and with it the dinner invites, planning and celebration. But not everyone has someplace to go. Last week in my “Hello, Range” meetings I was introduced to Iron Range newcomers in a couple […]

Belonging in NE Minnesota: Commentary

Yesterday I attended the 3rd Annual Equity Summit: Belonging in Northeastern Minnesota. Pre-registered attendees numbered at 180. I’m not sure how many registered that day, but the conference area of the Iron Trail Motors Event Center was full. And EVERYONE was there wanting to learn how to create a welcoming and inclusive region.

Fall Forest Bathing

Today is a perfect, fall day. The color is just turning, and the sun is warm. I took a short walk on the trail across the street to get away from the computer and organize my thoughts. With one step onto the trail I felt like I could BREATH. No surprise, according to the article […]

  • Essentia Health Jobs
  • Iron Range Tourism Bureau
  • City of Hibbing
  • East Range Joint Powers Board
  • Department of Iron Range Resources & Rehabilitation
  • L&M Radiator
  • City of Chisholm
  • City of Virginia
  • Fairview
  • NewRange Copper Nickel
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