Spring’s New Iron Ranger Library-Gatherings Come to a Close

Tomorrow we host the last of our Spring Library “New Iron Ranger Gatherings.” Over the last three months, Hello, Range! has been hosting monthly meet-ups at the Hibbing, Virginia and Hoyt Lakes Public Libraries. These gatherings were created to provide a friendly, easy-access place for new folks in the region to connect into community, because […]
Building a Community of Neighbors

When my dog and I return from our daily walk, we scan the street for “the kids.” Six elementary-aged kids live across the street, and my sheep-a-doodle LOVES them. If they are out, I release Mabel from her leash and tell her to go see “the kids.” Off she bounds, bum wagging in utter joy […]
“Welcomers” Abound!

Today marks the official start of “Welcoming Week,” “an annual campaign that connects neighbors of all backgrounds.” Today’s topic is “welcomers–” people who show hospitality and invite folks into their worlds.
Welcoming Week Sept 8-17

Welcoming Week is a global campaign that connects neighbors of all backgrounds in their communities, and we are excited to participate. Here on the Iron Range, a community rich in immigration history, we celebrate the values that unite us as immigrants and non-immigrants. Like many Rangers, my great grandparents were immigrants to the area–specifically, Finnish […]