Spring’s New Iron Ranger Library-Gatherings Come to a Close

Tomorrow we host the last of our Spring Library “New Iron Ranger Gatherings.” Over the last three months, Hello, Range! has been hosting monthly meet-ups at the Hibbing, Virginia and Hoyt Lakes Public Libraries. These gatherings were created to provide a friendly, easy-access place for new folks in the region to connect into community, because […]
Culture Shock “Therapy” at New Resident Gatherings

Starting in April, Hello, Range! will be hosting “New Iron Ranger Gatherings.” Held at the Hibbing, Virginia and Hoyt Lakes Public Libraries, the monthly meet-ups will feature a light dinner, conversation topic and hands-on activity. The purpose: to create a place for new residents to meet others, connect, and learn about their community and this […]
It’s Official! We have joined Welcoming America!

It’s official! Hello, Range has been accepted into the Welcoming America Rural Welcoming Initiative! The Welcoming Network is a global network of local governments and nonprofits committed to making communities more welcoming. Led by the nonpartisan nonprofit organization, Welcoming America, Hello, Range! will have access to research, technical assistance, webinars, and collaborative programs with other […]
Pumpkin Fest Greets 30 New East Rangers

Perhaps I take for granted the number of folks who are moving to the Range. But when Mary Mulari shared her stats from last weekend’s Pumpkin Fest in Aurora–she gave 30 swag bags to East Range newcomers last Saturday –I was excited. Not only do we have folks moving in and bolstering our economy and […]
Range Schools are Great–and there’s proof

Growing up in Hibbing we always heard that Hibbing had the BEST education. Some of this was word of mouth, perhaps based on the 1968 Bellamy Award given to one school each year to honor outstanding academics. But part was and IS based on fact: Rock Ridge, Mesabi East, Mountain Iron-Buhl, and Hibbing High all […]